All posts by Oak Web

Farm Shed Near Mellionec, Brittany, France


57 x 67

We spent a month living in the 18th century converted farm building behind this shed in 2012.

Like old farm sheds anywhere, it had seen better days, as had the antique machinery no longer used, inside.

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Boulevard St. Germain, Paris, France

55 x 43

One of the main thoroughfares of this beautiful city, flanked by offices and apartment buildings.

I perched on my folding stool on the footpath to paint this as the office workers hurried by early one morning.

We often ate in this café on the corner.

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Blue Hill Bay, Maine, USA

49 x 59

A beautiful bay at the foot of a stunning town of white weatherboard two-story houses straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.

This is a pretty rocky coastline where the tidal range is huge.

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Motor Shed, Wynarka, South Australia


49 x 59

We’d call it a garage today.

This house hadn’t been lived in for twenty years, we were told, and there were still bits of wind-blown washing on the clothes line left by its last occupants.

The back of the house is on the left, and the limestone structure on the right is an above-ground water tank, common on farms near here.


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Shed, Purnong, South Australia

49 x 59

This humble shelter for its collection of tractors and farm implements is at the base of a giant sand-hill, close to the edge of the River Murray.

The elderly woman owner was mystified, as she tended her vegetable garden, why anyone would want to paint her old shed.

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Shed, Agincourt Bore, South Australia

49 x 59

Australian farmers have long taken a pride in using whatever materials are at hand.

This farmer needed shelter for his small grain elevator which hides in the depths of this tiny shed, built entirely of second-hand materials; galvanised iron, only slightly rusty, and old railway sleepers.

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Kiln and Shed, Wynarka, South Australia

48 x 59

Wynarka’s a tiny settlement on the grain-railway between Tailem Bend and Loxton.

The nearer structure was a lime kiln, built to turn the local limestone into the quicklime that was then mixed with sand in the early days, to make mortar.

The kiln itself was built of the same materials, and among its first products would have been the quicklime for the dis-used shed beyond.

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Shed (1), Mount Barker, South Australia

48 x 59

It’s more a loose association of several sheds around an old stone core.

Its various bits were built mostly of second-hand materials as the farmer’s needs arose.

Some parts collapsed, as the winds became too strong for his style of construction.

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